
Foreword: Lies and Secrets

Coroner's Report 0034-922
Re: Identification and disposal of subject MD


I resent your implications that our department misdiagnosed the case and furthermore was so careless as to misplace a corpse. Let me remind you once again that all forensic material pointed conclusively to death caused by massive organ failure. The body was duly disposed of per standard quarantine procedures. The highly infectious nature of the Kyonoke pathogen is not to be discounted.

For the final time: Subject Michael Dray is deceased! This is my final word on the matter. Any allusions to a conspiracy of body snatching are outrageous and libelous in the extreme. And I give you my word, if this matter is leaked to Scope you will be hearing from my attorney.

Dr. Tychin Durandi, GME


Scope News Bulletin

Time Stamp: <REDACTED>

Headline: Kyonoke Tragedy Continues
Coordinates: <REDACTED>
Extract: The entire population of the city of <REDACTED> on the southern continent of <REDACTED> was wiped out today by the deadly Kyonoke pathogen as local authorities struggled to maintain quarantine amidst widespread riots. 

Among the victims were the trainees of a new program of <REDACTED> in which planetary leadership placed their hopes for a better future for their people. Also a few frigate-class vessels managed to escape the planet's gravity well but were reported destroyed by Concord patrols. Concord and <REDACTED> authorities chose to withhold comment either on the incident itself or the subsequent blockade around <REDACTED> space.

Extract Ends...


To anyone who may read this log: I leave this record of my travels and experiences in case something should happen to me.

Call me Michael Dray. But after all I've been through, I'm not sure it's my real name. From what I do know the real Michael Dray, whoever he was, was recycled for bio-mass long before I woke up in my pod. And I can't help my suspicions about the planet he came from.

I have no memory of my life before my eyes opened. All I knew was that I woke up in an Imicus with an AI and a recording to keep me company. The AI gave me a crash course in being a capsuleer. And the recording said only one thing.

"Find the truth."

Since then, I've looked without and within. I've searched my own mind. I've hacked records and risked the wrath of government and corporation alike. 

And I've been out there. Out where the light of home doesn't reach. The dark that outnumbers the stars.

I've seen things. Things I'll show you here. In case I'm taken. Maybe you'll think I'm crazy, succumbed to proprioception loss or post-jump psychosis. Maybe you're right. But if you're wrong...

If you're wrong, then something is coming. Some Thing we're not ready for. So I pray you're right and that I am crazy. It's better than the alternative.

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